Return Policy

You can return any item for a refund/replacement within 30 days of receiving your original order.

Please, note that the address mentioned on the website is NOT a return address. To return, you need to contact us at to get detailed return instructions before sending any products back.

Please note that we are not responsible for the costs of returning the items to us unless we delivered the item to you in error.

Please note that in the following cases, the item is not subject to return/refund:

If the product returned is not in salable condition (scratches, other physical damage, missing parts, dirt, etc.)
14 days have passed after the delivery date, and the reason for the return cannot be clearly identified (no cooperation, no information or pictures, etc.)
14 days have passed after the delivery date, and the parcel has been opened

Financial charges will be applied in the following cases:

In case of not cooperating with the carrier company (ex. refusing the order upon delivery, not collecting in cases when the carrier company cannot deliver the parcel, not providing necessary information or documentation to the carrier company) (for single and dual bands 30%, for tri-band and five-band 20%).

All products being returned must be in their original condition with no scratches, dents, or other damage. All original items must be returned, including, but not limited to, antennas, cables, components, manuals, and undamaged packaging.

Before shipping the product, it is required that you send us a picture of the packed box, so as the items in it are visible.
Returns must be placed in an outer shipping box to avoid any damage to the product packaging.
The order number must be precisely written on the outer shipping box.
A tracking number is required after returning the product.
As soon as you receive the detailed instructions from our side with the correct return address, the item must be shipped back to us within 14 days. The moment you ship the item, you need to provide us with the tracking number, within the mentioned timeframe. Failure to do so will result in the dismissal of the return case, meaning we will not accept your return request.
If you received your product damaged, please contact us for guidelines and instructions on how to resolve this issue. This would not be considered a return.
If you’d like a refund for your order but you can’t return it to us for any reason, then a refund for that order will be at our discretion.
Product pictures/videos should be provided within 7 business days after the return inquiry has been placed.
The product must be shipped within 7 days after the provision of the return address.

The refund process may take from 2 to 6 weeks once we get your package at the fulfilment centre, inspect your return and complete your refund.